Thursday, February 25, 2010

planner b

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

planner a

worksheet 3

To Do List

Dear group members,

Please post the following as a group:

1. Guiding questions from all members (Table from worksheet 3)
2. Task allocation for the group members (Project Planner A and B from worksheet 5)
3. Worksheet for drafting survey questions (from worksheet 6)

4. Lesson 4 and 5 reflection based on the questions:
  • what have we done so far?
  • what do we want to do next?
  • what have we learnt?
5. Lesson 6 reflection based on the questions:
  • what I know and think about surveys?
  • what I want to find out about surveys?
  • what I can do after the surveys?

Mrs. Jeslyn Tan

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reflections for lesson 4 and 5


For our project we will be designing a poster to raise public awareness on the greenhouse effect. We have assigned ourselves on what to do. I and Jordan will be coming up with guiding questions while Joel and Jonathon will design the poster. We will try to complete well and on time.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Reflections for lessons 4 and 5

Joel here.

For the planning and guiding questions, we decided to do a poster for the GRACE project as our plan. Jonathon and I will do the poster while Reuben and Jordan will be doing the survey and helping us distrubute the posters. We will be coming up with a questionnaire as a survey and will be hoping for a good response.

Reflections for lesson 4 and 5

We have decided to make a poster as our plan for the Grace project. Joel and i would be designing and making the poster while reuben and jordan would be doing the survey and distributing the posters created by us and hope that there would be a good response


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Reflections for lesson 3

We will create a survey and raise public awareness of the greenhouse effect and how to prevent the greenhouse effect from increasing. We will work as a team and complete it on time


Reflections for lesson 3

We have already narrowed the guiding question and have have decided to spread the message of the impact on greenhouse gases to the public . We would most likely do a survey or maybe putting up poster to spread the information and hope to finish it by next week .


Reflections for lesson 3


Impacts of greenhouse gases in Singapore and how to raise awareness in the public. We have come up with some guiding questions about the topic and for now, I have now come up with a guiding question, we will create a survey, and perhaps put up some poster to raise awareness. Hopefully we will finish up with the guiding questions by next week and have finished our plan.

Reflections for Lesson 2

We brainstormed our ideas of a topic and decided to do the topic on Greenhouse effect and Global Warming. We will start to do the questions next lesson and finish our assignment on time


Monday, February 8, 2010

Reflections for lesson 2

HI, Joel here.

For week 2 of our GRACE project, we worked together to brainstorm for our project work and have come up with a topic. We decided to do the topic on how greenhouse effect and global warming impacts our society. We will start on questions of our topic in the next lesson.